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YFT 2011 Spring Get Together Dinner

The Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada and the Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver co-hosted a get-together Dinner for the officers and spouses before the arrival of the traditional Chinese Spring Festival.

This year the get-together dinner was held at the King's Chinese Seafood Restaurant on Main Street, on Monday, January 10.

The dinner was subdue but very enjoyable. It was an opportunity for people to catch up and wish each other all the best in the new year.

Unfortunately honorary advisor Mr. Jim Yee was not able to join us. The venue was cozy and large servings of food. It was a great way to start off a new year with friends and family.

This year we have 3 members of the YFT youth group joined us. Hinson Fan, Kimberly Yu and Andrew Wong, thanks for joining us!

After dinner, we all went home happily. We were all looking forward for the upcoming events in the Year of the Rabbit, which includes the Spring Banquet and the 107th anniversary celebration of YFT Society of Canada on Saturday, March 12th.

Pauline Tom

2011 Conference of Scholarship Students

The second annual Scholarship Conference of applicants for the YFT of Vancouver scholarship awards was held on Sunday Feb 20, 2011. As students ranging from Grade 5 to 4th Year University streamed through the doors at the YFT of Vancouver Society Hall at 2 PM, some with their parents, they were welcomed by Esther Yue, Larry Yee, Kan Yu, and Jim Yee, and received their conference packages and name tags. These students have all applied for scholarship awards and have been invited to attend a conference to meet one another and with members of the Scholarship Committee.


After the students have settled down around the table, Jim opened the conference and asked each participant to stand up and give a brief self introduction. We had 17 students, about 10 parents and guests, and about 6 Board members attending. As many of the students had attended last year, they seemed quite comfortable in interacting with one another.

Jim gave a recap of the conference last year. The theme for the conference in 2010 was "Where do you come from, and where are you going?"

The "where do you come from" part was echoed in essays submitted by students with their scholarship applications with titles such as: "From China to Canada" and "Asian Migration¡¨. The "where are you going" part was echoed in the essays on role models and self explorations.

The objectives for the conference in 2010 were to encourage students to:

Study their family tree and the origins of their family in China
2. Prepare for their life with school work and extracurricular activities

The outcome for the conference in 2010:
1. We encouraged students to participate in the Youth Leadership Millennium program provided by SUCCESS in Vancouver for youths 14 ¡V 24 with the Duke of Edinburgh award as one of its core objectives. Several students showed interest but none has yet applied. The YFT Society will reimburse eligible expenses for leadership training programs.

2. We invited students to a cultural exchange with students from Elegantia College in Hong Kong visiting Vancouver in April. Three students subsequently attended a reception for the visitors on April 3, 2010 at the YFT Society Hall.

See report by James Yu in
If there is sufficient interest, we can organize cultural tours from Canada to China.

3. We encouraged further study into early Chinese immigrants.

We encouraged students to be seated at the same tables for the Banquet Award dinner, with their family¡¦s consent. Larry reported that this was a great success last year, as it provided opportunity for greater interaction among students.

Christopher shared his experience with achieving the Bronze Standard of the Duke of Edinburgh¡¦s Award. It was part of the Summit mini school program at Vancouver Technical Secondary School that he attends and where he is currently working on his Silver Standard in Grade 10. He found it gave him excellent training in leadership skills, and highly recommended it.

Ice Breaker Game

Kayla led the students in a party game called ¡§Never have I ever¡¨ as an ice breaker. It was fun and fast, and it added to what we knew about one another¡¦s interests and idiosyncrasies.

Objectives for this conference

Jim expanded on the theme for this year¡¦s conference, which was inspired by one of the essays submitted with the scholarship applications. Inspired by his mother¡¦s volunteer work, the writer wondered about the motivation for helping others voluntarily.

To explore this theme the students formed 3 break-out groups to discuss ideas about and experiences with helping others. Each group recorded their ideas. After a refreshment break of pizza and pop, they shared a summary of the discussion. They found that the satisfaction of helping others with no visible rewards resulted in feeling good that money cannot buy. Jim urged that we all keep this lesson in mind for the rest of the year. We will have an opportunity at next year¡¦s conference to share our experiences with helping others and acts of random kindness.

Yee Family Convention 2012

In August 2012 we will be hosting the World Yee Family Convention in Vancouver. The Organizing Committee has proposed a World Yee Youth program stream to invite high school and university students of the Yee family to participate. We expect participants from Canada, USA, and S. E. Asia.

Please visit and related pages on the site for updates and proposed program.


All 22 applicants for scholarship awards have been approved, and those attending the conference received their award letters and requested to attend the Yee Fung Toy Society Spring Banquet on March 12 to receive their award cheques and certificates. They are all entitled to complimentary dinner tickets for seating at the Scholarship tables.

Jim Yee

The Mah Benevolent Society of Vancouver Celebrating their 61st Anniversary

Our Mah cousins of the Mah Benevolent Society of Vancouver celebrated their 61st Anniversary on Saturday, February 26th.

As customary as in previous years, the Yee delegates of the Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada and Vancouver attend the Mah's noon ceremony. This year YFT Society of Canada Chairman Kan Yu, Treasurer Gary Yee, Secretary Martin Yee, YFT Society of Vancouver Chairman Jim Yee, Auditor David Yee, and two members of the YFT Youth group, Andrew Wong and Hinson Fan attended their noon ceremony at their club house on Hastings Street.

The Mahs held their evening Spring Banquet at the Floata Seafood Restaurant, the dining room was crowded.

The evening atmosphere was cheerful as the Mahs entertained the crowd with Karaokes, Kung Fu demonstrations and scholarship presentations.

Happy Anniversary to our Mah Cousins!

Photo courtesy of Larry Yee and Martin Yee.

Martin Yee

Seattle YFT 2011 New Year Dinner

The roads to the Renton Seafood Restaurant were clear as Jim Yee, Esther Yue and Albert Yu drove from Vancouver BC to attend the Seattle Yee Family New Year dinner on February 28. Two days earlier it was snowing and it would have been a difficult trip.

We were greeted warmly by Clara and Fred, Uncle Hing, Uncle Jim, Linda and Suey, and other old friends. Larry Yee, US YFT Association West Coast Grand President and his wife Denise were also attending. I invited them all to the Vancouver Yee Spring Banquet on March 12 at the Floata.

Thanks to Carmen Yee, daughter of Kit Fung, for taking pictures.

Jim Yee

Congratulations to Inspector Jeannie Yee, VPD

The Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada sincerely congratulates Ms. Jeannie Yee on her recent promotion to the rank of Inspector in the Vancouver Police Department on March 12, 2011.

The YFT Society of Canada board of directors were happy to see her, her family and friends to join us that evening at the Floata Seafood Restaurant for the celebration of the YFT Society of Canada 107th Anniversary and Spring Banquet.

Former VPD police Chief Constable, Mr. Terry Blythe and Mr. Lawrence Chan came on stage and gave a remarkable  speech and introduction of Inspector Jeannie Yee's background in both English and Cantonese.
Ms. Jeannie Yee has served as a member of the Vancouver Police Department since 1987. Her career has included assignments in Patrol, Community Policing, Recruiting, Aide to DCC-Operations and Human Resources. Jeannie was promoted to the rank of Sergeant in 2002 and then to Staff Sergeant in 2007 where she was assigned to District Two.

Inspector Yee is a long serving member of the Vancouver Police Crowd Control Unit. She has a Bachelor of Recreation Education degree from UBC and is currently working towards her Emergency Management Certificate through the Justice Institute of BC and Business Administrative Certificate from BCIT. She is the recipient of two Commendations and three Chief Constable Unit Citations.

Inspector Jeannie Yee was presented with a congratulatory plaque from Chairman Kan Yu and Honorary Advisor, Bill Yee with the above inscription.

Congratulations! Inspector Jeannie Yee. The Vancouver Yees are very very proud of you! Best wishes and success at the VPD!

Martin Yee

Ching Ming Memorial Service in Vancouver

The Chinese Pavillion at Mountainview Cemetery was crowded this year for the Ching Ming memorial service on Sunday, March 27th, 2011.

Five to six Societies and Associations have scheduled their memorial services around the same time this year including our Mah and Tse Cousins.

Around 20 members of the YFT Society of Vancouver arrived at the Chinese Pavillion.

Our memorial service officially began as Mr. Steven Yee and his volunteers made preparations: candles and incense sticks were lit, fruits, roast pigs, chicken, sponge cakes, etc, and liquor were laid down on the ceremonial altar.

Seniors Committee chair Shui Chi Yu read the memorial ceremony oration this year while Chairman Jim Yee read the English version. Canada YFT Chairman Mr. Kan Yu, Vancouver YFT Vice-Chair Mr. James Yu, Canada YFT Treasurer Mr. Gary Yee, Mr. Wing Yee, Vancouver YFT Advisor Mr. Wayne Yee, Vancouver YFT directors Mr. Phillip Yu, and Martin Yee took turns to pay homage to our ancestors, Mr. George Yee set off the firecrackers as the ceremony ended.

Our Annual General Meeting was held around 1:00pm, after all of our members were signed in and seated. There was a large turn out of members. The AGM went well.

Special thanks to our Vice-Chair and Welfare Director, Mr. Steven Yee, who organized this year's Ching Ming celebration event, thanks to those who attended the celebration and thanks to Chairman Jim Yee, who chaired this year's annual general meeting, which went through smoothly.

Martin Yee

Vancouver Fung Toy Alumni Spring Banquet

The Vancouver Fung Toy Alumni Association held its annual Spring Banquet on Saturday, April 9th, 2011 at the Golden Swan Restaurant. Over 100 guests attended this annual event.

Alumni President Wai Hing Yee welcomes everyone and wishes everyone a happy and prosperous lunar New Year of the Rabbit. Besides a fabulous banquet, we all enjoyed a wonderful entertaiment program during the evening, we also watched a fan dance performed by the Fung Toy Alumni group, and karaoke singing by the Alumni, guests and by a few members of the Yee Fung Toy Society including the duets of Wayne Yee and Phillip Yu.

Door prizes were drawn near the end of the banquet. Everyone went home happy.

Martin Yee

Tse Clansman Association of Vancouver Celebrating their 36th Anniversary

Members of the Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada and the Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver were invited by their Tse cousins to join them for their celebration of their 36th Anniversary and the Women's Committee 18th Anniversary on Saturday, April 23rd, 2011.

Our Tse cousins held their Ancestor ceremony at noon in their Association Hall on 740 East Hastings Street. Seven members of the YFT Society attended this event.

The evening Anniversary gala was held at the Floata Seafood Restaurant, Twenty members of the YFT Society participated, including YFT Society of Canada Chairman Mr. Kan Yu, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Yee, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Yee, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Yee, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Yee, Mr. and Mrs. Wing Yee, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Yu, Stephen Yee, James Yu, Martin Yee, David Yee and Alber Yu.

The dinner program include a Lion dance and a Martial Arts demonstration by the members of the Chew Luen Society Athletics Club, Welcoming speech by Tse Association President Á»A´@¤k¤h, Guest speakers include PRC ¹´°È»â¨Æ³¯ÄÞ, B.C. MLA Mr. Richard Lee.

The evening entertainment atmosphere was enjoyable, with guests singing their favorite Karaoke songs.

Martin Yee

Celebrating Ancestor Chung-Sheung's 1011th birthday

The Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada celebrated Ancestor Chung-Sheung's 1011th birthday on Saturday, June 11, 2011.

After the ritual, Chairman Kan Yu gave a short speech regarding Ancestor Chung-Sheung's history, and wish every dad a Happy Father's Day.

We all had a delicious lunch after the ceremony.

Martin Yee

Vancouver Seniors Celebrate Parent's Day and Senior's Birthday

The Vancouver YFT Seniors group celebrated Parent's day and the birthdays of seniors members who were born between January and June of any year on Sunday, June 26th.

The Luncheon was held at the Garden Villa Seafood Restaurant in Chinatown. Dim Sum and Congee, fried rice, chow mein and birthday bun were served to 53 participants.

Senior Committee chairs, Mr. and Mrs. Shui Chi Yu organized this semi-annual event very well... Thanks!

Mr. Shui Chi wished everyone a very happy Parent's day and happy birthday to sixteen seniors born between January and June.

He also announced that the upcoming one day tour event with our Mah cousins is scheduled for Sunday, August 7th. For more details, please give him or his wife a call to reserve a spot in the bus.

Martin Yee

Vancouver YFT 2011 Summer Picnic

The annual Vancouver YFT Society Summer Picnic was held at the John Henry (Trout Lake) Park on July 10th (Sunday) at 10am to 2pm. Trout Lake Park, located at 3300 Victoria Drive (@ E 15th Avenue). The weather was perfect for our picnic, sunny and bright, not too hot.



This park site was once the location for the first lumber operation in Vancouver ¡V Hastings Sawmill. Trout Lake, centered in the middle of the park, was the essential water source for the mill. The mill¡¦s co-owner was John Hendry, a prominent figure in his day due to his influence in developing the region's lumber industry.

Vancouver YFT Vice Chair and Welfare Committee Director, Mr. Stephen Yee, organized this annual event that brings together members and families of the Yee Fung Toy Society, Fung Toy Alumni, Mah cousins, Tse cousins and friends. Thanks Vice Chair Stephen! Thanks to your helpers too, especially David, Phillip, Wing, George and Gary, all together helped to make this annual event a success!


Churches chicken is the main entree of this year's picnic, along with an orange, a bag of assorted potato chips, a bun and a bottle of water.

Beside the friendly chatting, members and friends are awaiting for the exciting prize draw event after that delicious lunch. Councillor George Chow happened to be in the Trout Lake Park neighborhood and dropped by our picnic covered area, to say "Hello" to all of us. He was kind enough to help us select the winner of our first prize draw ticket, thanks, Councillor Chow!


A few of us won multiple prizes, everyone went home happy!

Martin Yee

Mah Society of Vancouver Summer Picnic

On July 24th the Mah Society of Vancouver invited the Yee's to their Summer Picnic at the Trout Lake Park.

Attending our cousin Mah's picnic include our YFT Society of Canada Chairman Kan Yu, his wife, Vice-chair Wayne Yee and his wife, Treasurer Gary Yee and his wife, YFT Society of Vancouver Chairman Jim Yee, Vice-chair Stephen Yee, advisor Dick Yee, Wing Yee, Mrs. Shui Chi Yu, Mrs. George Yee, Auditor David Yee, and Secretary Martin Yee.

At the picnic, we not only enjoying our lunch with the Mah's, we also had an opportunity to meet a Chinese-Canadian photographer, Mr. Eugene Q. Mah, who gave us a rare glimpse of some of his finest masterpieces, brilliant color photos with fascinating details and stunning painting-like pictures on canvas at the Trout Lake Park.

Mr. Mah uses his computer-skills and special effects to enhance his photos, he journeyed afar and chooses new destinations to capture his images. Nevertheless, I admire him for his dedication, creativity and cleverness of photographing people, Nature and Wildlife. I would consider Mr. Mah one of the most highly regarded artists of our time.

Anyway, we are all looking forward to our next event with the Mah's, a day trip to the George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary and to visit White Rock on August 7, 2011.

Thanks to Dana Mah, who helped us to take a group photo with Eugene Mah.

Martin Yee

Vancouver's Yees and Mahs - 2011 Day Trip

This year's program for the Vancouver's Yees and Mahs 2011 Day Trip is very interesting indeed, a visit to the George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary, blueberry picking at the Emma Lea Farms, a stroll in the township of White Rock, a tour in the Wellbrook Winery in Ladner, and a delicious dinner in Chinatown ends the day's program.

On a beautiful sunny Sunday morning on August 7th, the Yee and Mah clans boarded an air-conditioned tour bus in Vancouver's Chinatown, and headed to The George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary which is situated on Westham Island, just west of the community of Ladner in the Municipality of Delta, British Columbia, Canada. It consists of nearly 300 hectares (850 acres) of managed wetlands, natural marshes and low dikes in the heart of the Fraser River Estuary.




Two Reifel Wildlife Sanctuary group tours, each of which consist of 30 or fewer people (Reifel rules), one at 10:00 am and one 1:00 PM had been booked. Group A visited the bird sanctuary first while Group B was dropped off at the Emma Lea Farm for blueberry picking. Around noon, the bus driver picked us all up and drove us to the Ladner Centre Mall for lunch.


After lunch, Group B went on to visit the bird sanctuary and Group A went to the farm to pick blueberries.

Everyone enjoyed the morning program, There were happy faces throughout the bus.


White Rock was our next destination, when we arrived there, the beach was crowded with people. Along the beach lies the historic white rock from which the city derives its name, as well as grassy verges for picnicking. White Rock is renowned for kilometers of wide sandy beaches, quaint restaurants, art galleries and spectacular sunsets, White Rock has been a holiday destination for decades. The epicentre of this community is Marine Drive, a lively strip running along the oceanfront bordered by railway tracks and a popular stretch of grass along the beach.

Next we traveled to the nearby Wellbrook Winery which offered the finest fruit wines in the Fraser Valley. The focal point of this 55-acre heritage farm is The Old Grainery Store, lovingly restored by owner Terry Bremner. Surrounded by century-old beams and antique furnishings and fixtures, guests are invited to sample from their unique selection of table and dessert wines. Or simply feel free to browse their shop for wine accessories and giftware while enjoying the historic atmosphere.

The day trip concluded with a delicious dinner at the Jade Dynasty Restaurant in Chinatown.

Special thanks to William Ma, Jim Yee, Mr. and Mrs. Shui Chi Yu for arranging this memorable day trip for us.

Martin Yee

Vancouver Yees Welcome PRC Ambassador Zhang Junsai

Group photo with the Ambassador (Photo courtesy of Douglas Soo)

On August 20-24, His Excellency Mr. Zhang Junsai, Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Canada and his wife Mme Yin Guomei paid an official visit to British Columbia. This is also their first official visit to Vancouver.

On August 21, Ambassador Zhang and Mme Yin Guomei attended the welcoming dinner organized by the Chinese Benevolent Association and the local Chinese Communities. Representatives from over 80 Societies, Association and local Chinese communities attended this festive gala at the Floata Seafood Restaurant.

10 members of the Yee Fung Toy Society also attended this event, welcoming Mr. and Mrs. Zhang.

Before dinner, Ambassador Zhang Junsai delivered a warm speech on the current status of Sino-Canadian relations, China's domestic development and care and support of overseas Chinese in the development of the motherland.

"China is playing an increasingly peaceful and constructive role in the world. China has performed very well during the financial crisis and I think all this is seen by the Canadian people that China is making contributions to the world economy," he said. "More importantly, China has a huge market. There is a great potential for both countries to develop friendly relations."

He encouraged overseas compatriots who continue to serve as a bridge and link to promote the Sino-Canadian relations. His speech was quite long, however, after he finished his speech, he received warm applauds from the audience.

During dinner, he and his entourage walked around to each table and gave a toast to all.

One interesting item of note, from 2000-2003, Mr. Zhang Junsai served as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to the Republic of the Fiji Islands, YFT Society of Vancouver Chair, Mr. Jim Yee and Secretary, Martin Yee are from the Fiji Islands.

The Vancouver Yees welcome you and Mme Zhang to Vancouver, British Columbia! and we hope you will have a pleasant and memorable stay here.

Martin Yee

Vancouver Yees Celebrate The 62nd Anniversary of the Founding of The People's Republic of China

The Chinese Benevolent Association of Vancouver and the Chinese Community celebrate the 62nd Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China on October 1st, 2011 at the Floata Seafood Restaurant.

The Vancouver Yees joined in this festive gala that evening along with 150 other participating organizations.

Martin Yee

Vancouver YFT Celebrates 2011 Chongyang Festival

Members of the YFT Society of Canada and Vancouver celebrates the Chongyang Festival at 11am on Saturday, October 8 at the Mountainview Cemetery Chinese Pavilion.

After the ceremony is over, we all drove to the YFT Society Hall for a hearty and delicious afternoon buffet lunch.

Martin Yee

Vancouver Yees Welcome Mayor Gregor Robertson

Mayor Gregor Robertson and his Vision Vancouver city council Team visited our YFT Society on October 8th, 2011. The Yees warmly welcome the Mayor and his Team that day.

A few months ago our Mayor personally wrote us a letter requesting to meet with our Board of Directors, so that he may understand our thoughts on the issues that are important to our Yee Fung Toy Society.

As we understand that his Team will build a safer, healthier neighborhoods, his Team will continue with the Chinatown Economic Revitalization Action Plan. Keep up the good work, Mayor Robertson!

On behalf of the YFT Board of Directors, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Mayor and his Council members to come to visit our Society Hall and chat with us.

Martin Yee

Vancouver YFT Seniors 2nd 2011 Birthday Luncheon

A luncheon was held at noon for the Senior members of the Vancouver YFT Society on Saturday, November 12, 2011 at the Garden Villa Seafood Restaurant.

A special day to celebrate the birthdays of its seniors members who were born between the July and December months of any year.

40 Senior members and friends attended this semi-annual birthday party. Seniors Committee Chair, Mr. Shui Chi Yu, emceed this luncheon event. He thanked all the attendees for their participation and wished all the seniors a very happy birthday.

Martin Yee

Vancouver Yees Welcome New Consul General of PRC in Vancouver

Vancouver Yees attended the welcoming gala in honor of Ms. Liu Fei, the new Consul General of People's Republic of China in Vancouver on December 11, 2011 at the Floata Seafood Restaurant.

Martin Yee

Vancouver YFT Christmas Luncheon on December 12, 2011

The Fung Toy Alumni, the YFT Society of Canada and the YFT Society of Vancouver co-hosted this year's Christmas luncheon at the Floata Seafood Restaurant at noon on December 12, 2011.

Vice Chair Steven Yee gave a heartwarming and cheerful speech at the start of the luncheon, he thanked everyone for attending.

Recreation Chair Rose Yee emceed the entertainment activity with a well organized Karaoke program.

Thanks to our Vice Chair Steven Yee and his volunteers, for organizing another great year of enjoyable 2011 events for the members of the YFT Society of Vancouver!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Martin Yee