金雞報喜喜洋洋;春暖花開福滿門。Year of the


Announcement of 2017 Events


加拿大余風采總分堂謹定於二零一七年二月十八日(星期六) 中午十二時在本堂禮堂舉行慶祝加拿大余風采總堂第 113 週年紀念典禮暨春節聯歡同日下午六時假座華埠富大酒家設宴聯歡統請男女宗人踴躍參加。


  • 堂員每位 25
  • 非堂員每位 35
  • 小童 10 歲以下(本人或家長是堂員)每位 15
  • 獎學金學生每位 15
  • 盡足義務 65 歲以上耆英堂員每位 15

售票日期: 二月五日 至二月十二日 下午 12 時 至 4

地點﹕ 余風采堂


在購票時將同時收取 2017 年度總堂堂員年費一元,分堂堂員年費三元。

此致 各宗親會員

Annual Spring Banquet

February 18 - Saturday: celebrate Lunar New year of the Rooster and our annual Spring Banquet (6:00 PM at the Floata Seafood Restaurant, 180 Keefer Street, Vancouver).

Please purchase your tickets (on sale daily from 12:00 noon to 4:00 PM February 5th to February 12th) and please renew your membership (Canada HQ and Vancouver Chapter) dues at the same time.

2015-2016 School year scholarships will be awarded.



拜祭先僑完畢後回堂所。下午十二時在堂所舉行溫哥華余風采堂堂員週年大會,凡我堂員均希依時出席参加。散會後, 大家共分享胙肉及自助餐,歡迎參加。


Ching Ming Festival and Annual AGM

Members of the Yee Fung Toy of Vancouver and their family and friends are invited to the annual Ching Ming memorial service on Sunday, March 26th at 11 am at the Mountainview Cemetery.

After the ceremony, we all will head back to the Society Hall for our Annual General members AGM meeting,

Followed by a buffet lunch.


加拿大余風采總堂定於 六月十一日(星期日)上午十一時,在該堂禮堂內慶祝始祖余靖忠襄公寶誕,祭祖儀式完畢後,並在華埠富大酒家茶聚。


報名查詢 : 604-684-3074


Ancestor Yee Jing Celebration

Please join us for the Ancestor Yee Jing celebration at 11am on Sunday, June 11th, follow by a luncheon at the Floata Seafood Restaurant.

For registration and details, please Contact : 604-684-3074.



報名由七月二日(星期日)起至七月九日(星期日) (請在下午 六時後 致電耆英組主任余小玲)

查詢 : 604-435-9411


Seniors First Half of Year 2017 Birthday Luncheon

Please join us for the Seniors (January - June) birthday luncheon at the Floata Seafood Restaurant in Chinatown at noon on Tuesday, July 11th.

For details, please Contact Shirley: 604-435-9411.

(registration between July 2nd - July 9th) Please call after 6:00pm, thank you!
秋祭 - 山景墓園拜祭先僑


查詢: 604-684-3074


Fall Memorial Service

Members of the Yee Fung Toy of Vancouver and their family and friends are invited to the annual Fall Memorial Service on Sunday, October 15th at 11 am at the Mountainview Cemetery.

For more details, please contact the Hall @ 604-684-3074.

Followed by a buffet lunch.



查詢 : 604-434-2779


Seniors Birthday (born between July-December) Luncheon

Please join us for the Seniors (July - December) birthday luncheon at the Floata Seafood Restaurant in Chinatown at noon on Tuesday, October 24th.

For details, please Contact Mrs. Shui Chi Yu: 604-434-2779.

(registration between October 16 - October 22) , thank you!
溫哥華余風采堂新一屆(2018-2019 年度)選舉理事投票規則及須知

溫哥華余風采堂(2016-2017年度)理事會任期屆滿,遵章改選, 新一屆理事會將於本年10月間由全體有選舉權的堂 員,以一人一票投票方式選出。

請各堂 員積極參與投票,珍惜本次選舉理事的投票機會。

選票將 於在2017年10月21日前寄出。

(一)投票日期(10月21日 - 11月25日) 投票日期是由 2017年10月21日起至同年 11 月 25 日截止,堂員投票須於投票期內進行,本堂設有投票箱,(選票必須在選票截收期限前郵寄或親身交回本堂,逾期選票作廢)。 本堂地址: 溫哥華 佐治亞街東 226 號。

(二)投票人資格 凡本堂盡足義務堂員,年齡滿18嵗以上均享有選舉權利。
(三) 投票方法 每一位有選舉資格堂員均獲選票一張,每張選票上有理事提名侯選人 - 19人,請在候選人左邊劃一(X)符号,選出理事不得超過 11 人(如果超過 11 人,該選票即為廢票)。 選舉採不記名、秘密投票方式,投票人切勿在選票正面或背面簽名、蓋章或寫上文字(選票上如有簽署,即為廢票)。

(四) 補發選票 如堂員或因某種原因未能收到選票,可於投票期內向本堂申請補發選票。 堂員可於本堂辦公時間內,親身到本堂辦理有關手續,或以電話申請用郵遞方式領取補發選票。 每一堂員只准申請補發選票一次,堂員並須簽署同意書,承諾放棄前一張經本堂寄給堂員的原選票,其投票亦以補發選票的一票為準。

(五)開票日期 本次理事選舉開票時間定於2017年12月10日(星期日)下午 2 時。選舉結果將會在本堂所佈告板和余風采網站公佈。

查詢電話: 604-684-3074


Vote for the 2018-2019 Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver Board of Directors

To select Directors who will lead the YFT Society of Vancouver for the next two years, be sure to vote in this year’s election. Members, Stand Up and Be Counted!

Eleven Candidates to be chosen
This year we have 19 candidates nominated for the Election. Please mark an X on the ballot for the candidates of your choice, select eleven (11) or fewer candidates. Do not mark more than 11 or your ballot will become ineligible.

Election Ballots mailed to members
Ballots for the 2018-2019 election of the Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver will be mailed out on Saturday, October 21 by The YFT (Yee Fung Toy) Society of Vancouver secretary. Each and every member in good standing as of October 1, 2017, will receive a ballot. For a ballot to be valid for counting, it must be received by the YFT Society of Vancouver Election Committee or deposited in the designated ballot box in the YFT Society of Vancouver at 226 East Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6A 1Z7, no later than Sunday, November 15, 2015.

If You Have Not Received a Ballot
A member in good standing who has not received a ballot by Saturday, October 28, 2017, you should notify our office to request a duplicate ballot. The telephone number for requesting duplicate ballots is 604-684-3074. A duplicate ballot will be mailed on the next business day following notification to the office of the YFT Society of Vancouver secretary.

Counting the Votes
The YFT Society of Vancouver Election Committee will count the ballots and Votes will be tallied on Sunday December 10, 2017 at the Board of Directors meeting.

Election results will be released by the YFT Society of Vancouver secretary on the Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver Web site, http://vancouver.yeefungtoy.org. For more information, please contact us at 604-684-3074.

Returning Ballot Deadline: November 25, 2017.



查詢請致電: 604-684-3074

此次聯歡餐券,每位 $1.00


2017 Christmas Luncheon

This year the Yee Fung Toy of Vancouver YFT Christmas luncheon will be held at the Society Hall at 12 noon on Sunday, December 17th.

Please register at the Society Hall between December 3rd to December 10th, Tickets @ $1.00 per person, please register early.

(registration between December 3rd - December 10th).

Last updated on 2017-11-12