The Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver

Vancouver YFT

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2024 Event Logs

金龍賀新歲,福氣滿全家! 龍年身體壯,健康樂陶陶!


龍年送你天龍八步,一步事業沖天做天龍,二步生活如意做祥龍,三步財源廣進做金龍,四步百福降臨做福龍,五步純潔愛情做白龍,六步體態安康當強龍, 七步事事順心做神龍,八步萬事如意做真龍。


Wishing you all a healthy, peaceful and joyful 2024

Ring in the New Year with firecrackers, confetti, champagne and happy New Year wishes! The New Year brings with it a fresh start, new opportunities and an exhilarating sense of rejuvenation.

We often make New Year’s resolutions in an attempt to improve ourselves and to be better towards others. As we celebrate the New Year, the Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver Board members wish everyone success, a healthy long life and a fresh new start. Happy Lunar New Year of the Dragon!

Vancouver YFT

農曆新年去舊迎新 春聯和紅色飾物等已佈置好了

農曆新年即將來臨,在春節期間,為了把堂所造得較有新年氣氛,讓堂所可以討個好兆頭,希望新的一年萬事如意, 春聯和紅色飾物等已佈置好了。



Spring Festival Ornaments Have Been Set Up At The YFT Hall

With the Spring Festival approaching, it is the Chinese tradition to paste festive decorations on walls, windows, ceilings, and doors around the building to create a cheerful atmosphere. This year with the help of board member Crystal and her volunteers, they decorated the Yee Fung Toy Hall nicely to celebrate Chinese new year of the Dragon.

Special thanks to Crystal and her volunteers!

Vancouver YFT


溫哥華謝氏宗親會謝莉莉主席、謝錫龍副主席、謝翠婷顧問等一行五人,於二月十一日(星期日)大年初二拜訪余風采堂, 受到余風采堂余根洙總長,余詠本副總長、總堂余美湛副主席、分堂余耀祥主席及理事們熱情接待,大家相談甚歡。

溫哥華余風采堂 余夢華報導

Vancouver Tse Clansmen Association Members Visit

Ms. Lily Der, President of the Vancouver Tse Clansmen Association, and members of the Tse Clansmen Association, visited our Yee Fung Toy Society on Sunday, February 12. They were greeted by our board members.

Crystal Addison, Vancouver


踏入大年初二,當日多處洋溢濃厚新春氣氛,今年為「溫哥華華埠春節慶會」五十週年, 「新春大遊行」為慶賀新春的重頭戲之一,參加大遊行團體的數目勢破紀錄。


二月十一日(星期日)年初二當晚溫哥華中華會館、大溫哥華中華文化中心、溫哥華華埠商會、中僑互助會、 雲埠洪門機構及加拿大鐵城崇義總會聯合僑團暨各界共同慶祝二○二四年在華埠富大海鮮酒家舉辦的甲辰龍年春節聯歡晚宴。


恭喜發財! 祝大家新年快樂!心想事成!吉祥如意!财源滚滚!身體健康!

溫哥華余風采堂 余夢華報導

CBA Chinatown's 2024 Spring Festival Celebration Gala Dinner

The Vancouver Chinatown 50th Anniversary Spring Festival Celebration this year was a monumental one. It was organized by esteemed institutions, including the Chinese Benevolent Association of Vancouver, Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Vancouver, Vancouver Chinatown Merchants Association, S.U.C.C.E.S.S., Chinese Freemasons Vancouver Branch, and Shon Yee Benevolent Association of Canada.

This milestone event was celebrated on Sunday, February 11th, 2024. The Spring Festival Celebration event included the annual Spring Festival Parade, the Spring Festival Cultural Fair and the Spring Festival Celebration Gala Dinner.

Members of the three levels of government, PRC consulate officials, special guests and various Chinese community leaders were in attendance for the evening gala dinner held at the Floata Seafood Restaurant.

Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada, Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver representatives also participated.

Happy and Prosperous Chinese Lunar New Year of the Dragon to all!

Crystal Addison, Vancouver


三月八日是國際婦女節,又稱三八節、婦女節、三八國際婦女節,是世界各國婦女爭取和平、平等、發展的節日。一個 世紀以來,各國婦女為爭取自身的權利做出了不懈的努力。

在這一天,世界各大洲的婦女,不分國籍、種族、語言、文化、經濟和政治的差異,共同關注婦女的人權。近幾十年 來,聯合國的四次全球性會議加強了國際婦女運動,隨著國際婦女運動的成長,婦女節取得了全球性的意義。 這些進展使國際婦女節成為團結一致、協調努力要求歸還婦女權利和婦女參與政治、經濟和社會生活的權利的日子。

為慶祝「三八」國際婦女節,溫哥華中華會館聯合多個僑團於三月三日(星期日)在華埠富大海鮮酒家舉行盛大的聯歡 午宴。 加拿大三級政府代表、中國駐溫哥華總領館代表、各僑團以及婦女組織代表,逾五百人參加活動,各界暢談女性傑出貢 獻。


中華會館婦女組關梁蕙蘭首先致開幕詞,她代表中華會館同仁感謝加拿大三級政府、中國總領館和各社團代表抽出時間 參加午餐慶祝聚會。

午宴期間,許多社團和婦女組織帶來了精彩的歌舞表演。 許多嘉賓走上舞台共同切開慶祝節日的蛋糕,並向所有在座的女性朋友們祝酒。 現場氣氛熱烈而祥和。午宴在大家齊聲高唱「 萬水千山總是情」的歌聲中完美結束。



Vancouver YFT Women Group Attended CBA Women's Day Luncheon

International Women's Day (IWD) is a global event celebrated annually on March 8 as a focal point in the women's rights movement.

Members of Vancouver YFT women and senior groups attended the Chinese Benevolent Association of Vancouver Women's Day Luncheon on Sunday, March 3rd, 2024.

Crystal Addison, Vancouver


溫哥華馬氏世表們於三月廿九日(星期五)中午,在馬氏宗親會大禮堂內舉行祭祖儀式暨慶祝成立七十四週年紀念典 禮。

當日應邀出席參加紀念典禮的加拿大余風采總堂代表包括余根洙總長、財政余柏寧、溫哥華余風采堂代表包括耆英組主 任余翠燕、副主任余夢華、 婦女組主任余小媺及康樂組主任余麗芬等。溫哥華謝氏宗親會主席葉謝莉莉女士領導多位理事參加紀念會。

由於在我們到達之前溫哥華馬氏世表們已經舉行祭祖儀式了,紀念典禮開始之前我們大家一齊站起來向馬伏波公真像行 三鞠躬禮。


溫哥華余風采堂 余柏寧報導

The Mah Benevolent Society of Vancouver Celebrating their 74th Anniversary

The Mah Benevolent Society of Vancouver celebrated their 74th Anniversary on Friday, March 29th.

Attending our cousin Mah's noon ceremony this year include the YFT Society of Canada Grand President Kan Yu, Treasurer Martin Yee, YFT Society of Vancouver Board members Mrs. Shui Chi Yu, Rose Yee, Xiao Mei Yee and Crystal Addison, and good friend Fred Leung.

Ms. Lily Der, President of the Vancouver Tse Clansmen Association, and members of the Tse Clansmen Association also attended.

After the Mah's noon ceremony, we all had a delicious lunch together.

Martin Yee, Vancouver


溫哥華馬氏宗親會於三月廿九日(星期五)晚假座珠城酒家隆重舉行成立七十四週年聯歡晚會。 出席嘉賓包括中國駐溫哥華總領館僑務領事李悅然和孫俊杰、中華會館主席錢華女士及各位理事、溫哥華謝氏宗親會主席葉謝莉莉女士暨謝氏世表、 加拿大余風采總堂主席余宏榮、溫哥華余風采堂主席余耀祥、副主席余佳卓伉儷暨余氏世表、僑團首長,社會賢達和馬 氏宗親撥冗光臨出席活動,場面溫馨熱鬧。


馬氏體育會及劍風體育會醒獅健兒親臨歡騰舞躍,吉祥賀歲,迎福納祥,增添喜慶,為溫哥華馬氏宗親會成立七十四週年聯歡晚會拉開序幕。 順次是理事長馬仲鵬致歡迎詞、中領事及嘉賓致詞。溫哥華馬氏宗親會理事和嘉賓們上台合照與祝酒。

文娛表演方面,堅盛頓耆英會、晨光舞蹈團及至德舞蹈團獻出精彩歌舞表演,馬氏體育會及劍風體育會武術表演, 中華會館理事們上台合唱一曲,另外還嘉賓的卡拉 OK 歌唱助慶,載歌載舞,精彩紛呈,令節目有聲有色,倍添歡樂。



溫哥華余風采堂 余柏寧報導

The Mah Benevolent Society of Vancouver 74th Anniversary Evening Gala

The Mahs held their evening Spring Banquet at the Pink Pearl Seafood Restaurant.

Photos courtesy of Crystal Addison, Dana Mah and William Ma. Thanks!

Martin Yee, Vancouver



清明的節日,每四年會出現一次閏年,“有趣的是,觀察這幾年日曆,可以發現2008年∼2039年, 每逢閏年、閏年隔年,清明節皆為四月四日, 例如2008年(閏年)、2009年 (閏年隔年)、2024年 (閏年)、2025年 (閏年隔年),清明節都落在 四月四日; 其他平年,像是2010年、2011年、2026年、2027年等, 清明節則為四月五日。”

在這個慎終追遠、發揚孝道的重要日子裡,余風采總分堂同仁齊備三牲酒禮、 鮮花果品,及致祭文,於三月三十一日(星期日)午前來到山景墓園「安魂亭」公墓舉行春祭儀式紀念先僑。當日陽光 普照,氣候宜人。

今年分堂主席余耀祥主持公祭,梁耀江姑丈宣讀祭文,分堂副主席余佳卓宣讀英文祭文,總分堂同仁在莊重的儀式中依次上香禮拜, 虔誠恭獻鮮花祭品,行禮有儀,充分體現了海外華僑華人慎終追遠,飲水思源之傳統美德。

溫哥華余風采堂 余柏寧報導

Qingming Festival - Vancouver YFT Annual Ching Ming Memorial Service


On Sunday, March 31st, around 11:00am, eleven members of the YFT Society of Vancouver and Canada gathered at the Mountainview Cemetery to attend the annual Ching Ming memorial service.

Special thanks to Crystal and Fred Leung for helping out this year's festivities!

Martin Yee



溫哥華余風采堂 余柏寧報導

Vancouver YFT Ching Ming Buffet Lunch

On Sunday, March 31st, members of the YFT Society of Vancouver and Canada had lunch together at the Yee Fung Toy Hall after the memorial service at the Mountain View cemetery.

We have visitors from the Burnaby Buddhist Temple.

Special thanks to Crystal and Fred Leung for helping out this year's festivities!

Martin Yee

溫哥華謝氏宗親會雙慶聯歡晚會 和樂共融

溫哥華謝氏宗親會於三月三十一日(星期日)下午六時假座富大海鮮酒家舉行雙慶週年紀念聯歡晚宴,出席嘉賓包括聯 邦國會議員關慧貞女士、 來自西雅圖昭倫公所代表、尚有溫哥華昭倫兄弟、姐妹,余氏世表,馬氏世表,僑團領袖,友好嘉賓喜聚一堂,敦睦情 誼。 宴會開始舉行祭祖儀式,敬老活動,然後由昭倫親義公所醒獅隊進場祝賀。

謝莉莉主席致歡迎詞承蒙大家蒞臨謝氏宗親會成立四十九週年暨婦女部第三十一週年年慶會,謹代表謝氏同仁致以衷心 感謝。


溫哥華余風采堂 余柏寧報導

Tse Clansman Association 49th Anniversary Celebration


Our Vancouver Tse cousins celebrated their 49th Anniversary and their women group's 31st anniversary on Sunday, March 31st, the Anniversary banquet was held at the Floata Seafood Restaurant.

The evening celebration event started with the Tse Clansman ancestor ceremony, followed by honoring the seniors over 85 years old, then the Chau Luen Athletic Club's performing the lion dancing.

Tse Clansmen president Madam Lily Der giving her welcome speech, followed by speeches from Member of Parliament Ms. Jenny Kwan and other guests.
Photos courtesy of Lily Der and Crystal Addison.

Martin Yee

加拿大溫哥華余風采堂慶 耆英生日會暨雙親節及歌唱班二十週年紀念


總堂詠本副總長夫婦、宏榮主席、美湛副主席,分堂耀祥主席及理事們蒞臨祝賀。嘉賓包括溫哥華中華會館婦女組長關梁蕙蘭、 「錦輝藝術研究社」歌唱班、本拿比佛堂的佛友等共有五十多人。筵開五席,場面熱鬧,喜氣洋溢。

首先由康樂組主任麗芬宣佈生日會開始,恭祝在上半年生日會員生日快樂、福如東海、壽比南山。並祝願天下所有父親 母親健康快樂,家庭幸福,生活愉快。

席間康樂組主任麗芬領唱卡拉 OK, 隨後是嘉賓或耆英們唱自己喜歡的卡拉 OK 歌曲。


這生日蛋糕是「錦輝藝術研究社」歌唱班送給耆英們慶賀的。 在此感謝「錦輝藝術研究社」歌唱班。


溫哥華余風采堂 余柏寧報導

Vancouver Seniors Committee Celebrate Their Member's Birthday

The YFT Seniors Committee under the leadership of Mrs. Shui Chi Yu, Mrs. Rose Yee and Mrs. Xiao Mei Yee organized a birthday lunch for members on Thursday May 23rd when 50 of us gathered in the VIP room of the Pink Pearl Restaurant to enjoy a 6 course lunch complete with soup, dessert and traditional Chinese birthday buns.

We have guests from the Jin Hui Musical Association, the Burnaby Buddhist Temple and Mary Quan of the CBA.

Members of the YFT Singing Group and guests provided Karaoke entertainment before and during lunch,. before we take group photos.

Photos courtesy of Esther Yue and Crystal Addison. Birthday cake donated by the Jin Hui Musical Association. Thanks to all!

Martin Yee


砵崙余風采堂通訊處於本年六月十六日(星期日)舉行開幕典禮暨龍年新春聯歡晚宴,誠摯邀請全加余風采總堂余宏榮主席參加。 宏榮主席因故未能親自出席,特派理事夢華代表出席。不幸的是,夢華理事於出發前數天因意外受傷,腳部骨折,無法 參加。

宏榮主席特此感謝砵崙余風采堂通訊處余仕維主席的盛情邀請,並對未能出席深感遺憾。 欣聞砵崙通訊處開幕典禮成功完成,祝願砵崙通訊處成功團結宗親,發展族務,弘揚祖德。



Portland YFT Liaison Office Grand Opening Event

The Portland Liaison Office of the Yee Fung Toy Family Association invites Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada Chairman Bill Yee to attend their Grand Opening of the new office and their Spring Banquet celebration on Sunday, June 16th, 2024.

Chairman Bill Yee cannot attend due to have a prior commitment, so he asked the Board if anyone else could attend in place of him. Crystal said she could attend that day.

Unfortunately, Crystal had an accident a few days before the Portland event, she injured her foot and had to go to the hospital for treatment and a cast was put on her foot.

The Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada sent it's best wishes to Chairman Kitson Yu and the Portland YFT Liaison Office for a successful grand opening!

We also hope Crystal to have a speedy recovery!

Vancouver YFT


溫哥華余風采堂2022-2023年度獎學金頒獎典禮於六月廿二日 (星期六)在華埠富大酒樓隆重舉行。 教育基金組副主任余佳卓主持頒獎典禮秩序,他恭祝同學們學業進步,好好學習力爭上游,再接再厲,爭取更好的成績。

溫哥華余風采堂每年向宗親子弟和學子頒發獎學金。 希望同學們永遠記住溫哥華余風采堂慷慨的獎勵,一定要繼續努力學習,將來為社會作出貢獻。

大隨後,舉行獎學金頒獎典禮,今年余風采堂共有十一名學生獲得了獎學金。三名小學生, 包括余㦤(Leah Yee)、 余朗(Colton Yee)、 余晴(Emma Yee)。 五名高中學生,包括余彥劼(Sherman Yee)、 余鳴(Maddox Yee)、 余天虹(Hailey Yu)、 余嘉俊(Aaron Yee)、 余穎希(Keira Danielle Grant Yee), 及三名大學生, 包括余彥輝(Shawn Yee)、 余嘉豪(Danny Yu)、 及余海亮(Christopher Yu)。

余柏寧(Martin Yee),余柏培(Joseph Yee) 的兄長,代替余柏培夫人(Mrs. Carla Yee)頒發了兩項徵文競賽獎給兩名學生, 余晴(Emma Yee) 及余彥劼(Sherman Yee) 同學。她們的文章被余柏培夫人選為最佳文撰。

余朗(Colton Yee)、 余鳴(Maddox Yee)、余天虹(Hailey Yu)、余穎希(Keira Danielle Grant Yee)、 余海亮(Christopher Yu) 和余彥輝(Shawn Yee) 因有事務而臨時缺席。


Vancouver YFT 2022-2023 Scholarship Awards

On Saturday, June 22nd, 2024, the YFT Society of Vancouver held its annual scholarship awarding ceremony at the Floata Seafood Restaurant. This year, a total of 11 recipients were awarded merit scholarships, 3 elementary school students, 5 secondary school students, and 3 university students.

On top of these awards, Martin Yee, elder brother of Joseph Yee, substitute for Mrs. Joseph Yee to award 2 essay prizes for the best essay submission.

The Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver Board members wish everyone success, a healthy long life and a fresh new start.

George Yee


七月一日(星期一),是加拿大建國一百五十七週年國慶紀念日。 當晚,余風采堂會員参加了溫哥華中華會館聯合僑團暨各界在富海鮮酒家舉辦盛大的晚宴。

應邀出席嘉賓包括加拿大聯邦樞密院終身院士黃陳小萍、中國駐溫哥華總領事楊舒、中領館政新領僑處主任陳青傑、 卑詩貿易省務廳長周烱華、溫哥華-蘭加拉選區省議員李耀華、香港特區政府駐加西專員袁黃潔玲、 溫哥華中華會館理事長錢華,退伍軍人協會代表,以及本地的僑團首長、政商界代表等。

熱烈的雄獅勁舞拉開了慶祝晚宴的序幕,然後,全場高唱加拿大國歌。溫哥華中華會館董事長錢華及嘉賓們致詞後,嘉賓一起上台舉杯祝酒、拉響禮花砲及切生日蛋 糕。

藝術家們紛紛陸續登台表演文藝節目,節目內容豐富精彩,包括女高音歌唱家、 男高音歌唱家、藝人演唱、扇子舞、民間民族舞、古典舞等等。 豐盛的佳餚也陸續上桌,大會堂張燈結彩,喜氣洋洋,洋溢著吉祥和節日的氣氛。


溫哥華余風采堂 余柏寧報導

Celebrating The 157th Anniversary of Canada's Founding Gala

Members of the Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver attended the CBA Canada Day Gala event on Monday, July 1st at the Floata Seafood Restaurant.

Photos courtesy of Esther Yue, Josephine Tung and Stephen Cheng of CBA.

Happy Birthday Canada!

Martin Yee



由加美殘疾慈善機構余夢華女士領頭,與台山會館、余風采總分堂、心靈法門、星馬汶舞蹈協會、梁氏兄弟等,為當天現場最大的華人社區組織團體, 一齊支持中僑籌集經費,目的是更好地為社會大眾提供服務。

今年百萬行活動籌得善款 $320,000 以支持中僑的重要社區等項目。我們的團隊非常幸運獲得金獎。



Joining S.U.C.C.E.S.S. 39th Annual Walk with the Dragon Fundraising Event

S.U.C.C.E.S.S. 2024 Walk with the Dragon fundraising was held on Sunday, July 14th, 2024, at Lumbermen’s Arch in Stanley Park.

Crystal Addison (Yee) founder of the Canadian American Disability Society, organized with members from the Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada, the Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver, along with members of the Natives of Toi Shan Benevolent Society of Vancouver, and members of the Burnaby Buddhist Temple participated as a group for this year's fundraising event.

The Canadian American Disability Society slogan is "We Are Stronger Together".

Photos courtesy of Crystal Addison, Judy Cho, Tony Cheong and S.U.C.C.E.S.S. and YouTube video by Bailey Yang. Thank you all!

Martin Yee
Copyright  ©2004-2024 Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver. All rights reserved.
Last updated on 2024-07-16.